Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Name?

Yeah, I was just thinking, I am, in fact, a TriMet Ally.

But most of my stories are about TriMet Executives and their doings.

And I do NOT like TriMet Executives for the most part. -_- Which makes me look like I thrive off of planning the destruction of TriMet. Which I am TOTALLY NOT DOING! *kicks away battle plan sheet targeting 4012 SE 17th Ave* Hehe...

Anyway, methinks I need a new name. I was tossing around the name The Great Equalizer, to show I take the side of both TriMet and the public, and maybe something to show my humorous (or at least I hope so to God) styling of the blog, uhm... something, well, humorous!

So what ideas to you have? :D

Oh, and can you EVEN change the name of a blog? O_o


  1. Ravings of a Public Transit Rider.

  2. you can change a blog name. Just go to 'settings' and its at the (almost) top of the page
    Humm...a new name for your blog? I like the one you have now and i don't have any other ideas, so i'm not much help...:)
